AUTOPLAY - A Professional AutoPlay Function for your CDs and DVDs.
AUTOPLAY is a simple way to add a professional AutoPlay feature to the CDs and DVDs that you Create. The registered version of AUTOPLAY supports a personalised 'splash screen' graphic and playing music (Wave or MIDI) while the desired application or document is being loaded.
AUTOPLAY is a Windows 9x/Me/NT/2000/XP program. It does not require any additional .DLLs, but does require an AutoRun.INF to be located in the program directory.
AutoPlay's Features
AutoPlay offers you the following benefits:
Create professional-looking self-starting CDs and DVDs in minutes!
Get started quickly with the AutoPlay Configuration Utility (APCfg), that takes you step-by-step through creating the AutoPlay configuration file.
Gives the user "instant feedback" when the CD or DVD is inserted, since your logo and copyright information appears on the screen.
Create a professional CD menu with the AutoPlay Menu Utility (APMenu)